и конференция:
www.fhs.cuni.cz/nonhuman/themes.htm - non-human in anthropology (дедлайн до октября 2010)
The conference has three thematic sections:
A) non-human and hybrid (human – animal – machine)
B) material culture (things – commodities – sources)
C) space (home – city – landscape)
The “non-human and hybrid” section concentrates on the relations of human and non-human organisms from the point of view of anthropology, cultural history, literary theory and related disciplines. The “material culture” section is focused at topics generally analysed within material culture studies and wants to initiate dialogue of anthropology with related branches of social science (such as archaeology etc.). The topics of space, place, city and landscape are to be dealt with within the “space” section because of the importance they hold for social science for at least last two decades and because of their implicit presence in virtually all anthropological (and generally social science) research and thinking.